
Meditation helps you accept things the way they are, not the way you would like them to be – there is no greater freedom

Your mind is like a stormy ocean?

You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.

Sometimes you don’t recognise yourself and your reactions are surprising even to you?

Find a place within you where acceptance is born, for yourself and for others. Learn how to take care of that place – that is where your peace lies.

Do you feel that things overwhelm you sometimes?

Break free from negative and false thinking and discover that you already are what you’re constantly looking for outside. Everything you need is already in You. Do not let your conditioned mind stop you from seeing this.

Do you feel like you are not good enough, not smart enough or not good looking enough?

Or maybe you just need a moment for yourself, because you keep meeting the expectations of others all the time?

Learn to meditate and find out who you really are.

Feel how your whole life changes for the better. Although reality remains as it is.

Meditation by calming our mind and emotions, allows us to reach out to who we really are, to our true being, which is not subject to evaluation and is perfect in itself.

Now, more than ever before, we need both meditation and mindfulness. Wading in the sea of ​​information, chased by time, we often have the impression that we do not keep up, that life is running through our fingers, that something is missing, but we do not know what it is and we lose the meaning of life.

Thoughts seem to live their lives, intense and chaotic, and it is hard for us to keep up. Our mind works at full speed, both during the day and sleep. It all makes us feel lost and exhausted. Due to life in permanent stress, we have problems finding peace, health and good sleep.

We are looking for more and more powerful methods to relieve stress. We often go in the direction of intense workouts, and after a great muscular effort, finally we feel the effect of relaxation. We reach for sedatives, sleeping pills, as well as mood elevators, because despite our efforts, we suffer from a sense of emptiness and lack of contentment.

We can divide our lives into external and internal ones- action and rest mode.   Every day, we mainly function in the action mode  but to lead a happy existence in physical and mental health, we must ensure balance. Meditation explores the category of rest that is necessary for our full presence, peace, and finally – for our happiness. 

Although our thoughts are often like waves in a stormy ocean, during meditation we discover that our true being lies under the surface of the waves, in the depths of the ocean where there is an undisturbed peace.

Meditation is like hugging yourself. It is going beyond the illusion of thoughts and connects in silence with the reality that is within us. It allows us to find joy and peace.

Are you thinking whether MEDITATION IS FOR YOU? Unlike many people think, almost everyone, including children and the elderly, can meditate. It is not recommended for people who are  diagnosed with schizophrenia or psychotic states. To meditate one does not require exceptional performance or above-average ability to concentrate. There are many meditations and meditation techniques. There is a good chance that you will find one that is perfect for you.

 Although the history of meditation dates back several thousand years, we seem more than ever in the need of these techniques nowadays. To deal with the world and the fact that since childhood we are programmed to achieve, and no one rewards us for being. So we forget how to be. Meditation teaches us how to go back to the state of being, the state we knew so well as a child, and opens up the opportunity for us to experience life in its fullness. Just as a child experiences it.
Meditation is an internal and therefore intimate process. Although it is good to have a trusted teacher, at least at the beginning. Someone who can help us choose the right technique, support us and answer our questions.

Regular meditation can do wonders.

And these are scientifically confirmed wonders.

Benefits of meditation:

Health Mental health Relationships
Release from chronic conditions like: pain, allergies, arthritis, indigestion, insomnia, migraine and other. Increased production of immune cells fighting pathogen bacteria, viruses and cancer cells Increasing  DHEA- hormone of youth and decreasing cortisol (hormone of stress) Regular meditation results in decreasing heart beats per minute and regulates blood pressure, by slowing down the breath, which results in lower oxygen demand   Positive attitude towards life More clarity in mind and making better decisions Better concentration, more creativity and spontaneity Better understanding and mind control   Increased ability to solve complex problems     Ability to concentrate on the present moment and not worrying about the past or future Greater emotional stability and a deep sense of peace and relaxation     Changing our habitual reactions and becoming more sensitive to yourself and others, a more authentic and positive person   More healthy relationships with yourself,  others, work and life itself